Bienvenue chez I.GAYTE.IT

Protéger - optimiser - moderniser

Depuis plus de 30 ans les collaborateurs de I.GAYTE.IT accompagnent les entreprises dont le SI est centré sur des IBM i (ex AS/400) avec pour missions de sécuriser leurs actifs et de répondre rapidement aux changements et aux nouveaux défis, qu’ils soient technologiques ou liés au métier.
A propos
Securit.i 2024
Plug & Play

Solutions de Sécurité pour les environnements IBM i

Renforcer la Sécurité d’accès à l’IBM i
Tracer des évènements de Sécurité ou de modification des données
Renforcer les défenses contre les cybermenaces mais aussi contre les malveillances internes

Solution de sécurité globale


I specialize in creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.

La première solution de sécurité globale dédiée à l'environnement IBM i

STR-iCT, application de sécurité dédiée aux IBM i
Sécurité SSO intégrée


I specialize in creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.

La solution de sécurité SSO intégrée à l'environnement IBM i

Solution de sécurité globale pour AS400 Power I-Series IBM i
Services IBM i

Modernisation IBM i

Faites évoluer tous les aspects de votre SI autour de l’IBM i : interfaces, langage de développement, architecture des applications, compétences de vos collaborateurs, méthodes de travail…

Services IBM i

Développement IBM i

Innovez avec des applications sécurisées, communicantes, maintenables et évolutives.

Services IBM i

DB2 for i

Boostez vos bases DB2 i : Performance, modernisation, sécurité

Services IBM i

Sécurité IBM i

Auditez, contrôlez, faites évoluer la sécurité de votre environnement IBM i

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STR-iCT The global security and traceability solution for IBM i (AS/400) systems

STR-iCT protects your IBM i environment from modern and traditional threats by transforming your security and traceability data into decision-support information.
Raise the defense of your IBM i environment against cyberthreats by opting for a proactive and effective security management solution.
STR-iCT is a true SIEM dedicated to the IBM i.
It detects events, assigns them a risk level (via an expert system), stores the data, displays it graphically and, if necessary, issues alerts.
It can also work with other SIEMs on the market (IBM QRADAR, Microsoft Sentinel, ELK, Splunk...) to transmit useful data, giving you a single security management center for your entire network.

  • 360° management of IBM i security thanks to numerous probes
  • Definition of risk level thanks to an expert system dedicated to IBM i
  • Take into account all the IBM i in the network for a cross-functional view of security incidents
  • Data collection and aggregation
  • Integration into corporate SIEM systems
  • Event correlation
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Reports and dashboards
  • Archiving and forensic analysis

AD-iCT Single Sign On (SSO) between IBM i and Active Directory

Discover AD-iCT, our software package designed to enable production integration of SSO between IBM i and Active Directory.
By taking advantage of technological advances, AD-iCT simplifies access management and strengthens security, enabling fluid, secure single sign-on.
With AD-iCT, you can exploit the full potential of SSO by harmonizing your IBM i environments with Active Directory.
Our tool has been specially developed to facilitate administration and optimize use in production, delivering an unprecedented user experience.

Our services Drawing on our experience with the IBM i environment, we offer a range of services to help you upgrade your information system


Evolve all aspects of your IS around IBM i: interfaces, development language, application architecture, staff skills, working methods...


Boost your DB2 i databases
Performance, modernization, security


Innovate with secure, communicating, maintainable and scalable


Audit, control and upgrade
the security of your IBM i environment

Dominique GAYTE Founder of I.GAYTE.IT, IBM Champion 2023 and 2024

For more than 30 years,'s staff have been helping the world's leading manufacturers secure their IBM environments.

Dominique GAYTE - IBM CHAMPION 2024